
  • “Angel” chosen by the Seattle Office of Global PR Firm Weber Shandwick

    · By JinJa Davis-Birkenbeuel

    Fun and quirky ad that uses our song Angel from Comfort for the Traveler, about “A guy with a paper problem.” Created by Paul Kiely, Creative Director at the Seattle Office of Weber Shandwick.

  • 9:09 The Film Created and Directed by Eun-Ha Paek-Song 9:09

    · By JinJa Davis-Birkenbeuel

    Whimisical animation by international artist Eun-Ha Paek created for the song 9:09 from the album Wonderwheel. Eun-Ha was inspired to create this animation based on the upbeat nature of the song. The animation won international creative awards and screened at SXSW.

  • Utah Carol release new song “Sugar Cane” available everywhere

    · By JinJa Davis-Birkenbeuel

    Find our new song wherever you listen to and buy music Apple Music:…​ Spotify:…​ Follow Utah Carol: IG:​ #UtahCarol​ #SugarCane​ #LyricVideo​ #CountryChill​ #Pop